
Showing posts from May, 2018

Preach Everywhere

Friday 1 June, 2018 [DEVOTIONAL] DCLM Daily Manna Topic: Preach Everywhere Text: Acts 8:1-13 (KJV) Key Verse: “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). MESSAGE: “Do you know grace?” That’s the question the world famous preacher D. L. Moody (1837-1899) was said to have posed to people he came in contact with. If anybody indicated that he or she did not know the person he was talking about or asked, “Grace who?”, Moody would then sit him or her down to explain the meaning of grace, using various Bible references. It was an evangelism and soul-winning strategy that worked effectively for him on many of those who listened to him. It took the death of Stephen and the persecution of the church to have the apostles and disciples of Jesus go abroad and preach the gospel everywhere. Philip, one of the disciples, escaped to Samaria, a non-Jewish territory and recorded great conversion of souls with ...

Where Is Your Hope?

This certain hope of being saved is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls, connecting us with God himself . . . —Hebrews 6:19 (TLB) What are you placing your hope in for the future? Your country’s government, educational system, some plan or organization? My hope is in a Person, the Lord Jesus Christ, who sits at the right hand of God. I have hope and know that I’m going to heaven. And, right here and now in this present life, I have God’s presence to help me. Suppose we had no Bible. Suppose there were no cross, no salvation, no empty tomb. Suppose we had nothing to hang on except, “Do your best, try to patch it up, do what you can.” Oh, but we have a hope. There is a plan of redemption, a plan for the future. The New Testament is an exciting Book to read, it is so full of hope and expectancy. And God is interested in you! Is  your  hope in Jesus Christ? Listen to this 1-minute message from Billy Graham about how we can have hope for the future. Prayer fo...

Have Faith in God

Health Food Devotional Have Faith in God May 31, 2018 For verily I [Jesus] say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (Mark 11:23) Several years ago, I was hemorrhaging from my body. I had serious pain symptoms. It was almost intolerable. The devil was giving me mental visions of cancer. I didn't have any kind of inspiration, and all the feelings I had were negative.  Now I learned the multiplication table many years ago. It still works. Three time three is still nine. I don't ever stop to think, Will that work? Do you suppose three times three is still nine? Do you suppose the multiplication table will work today?  I can't get it to work for me. I see it working for others, but it won't work for me. No, if multiplication doesn't work for you, it's beca...

Working in Me

Faith Food Devotional Working in Me May 31, 2018 "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure" (Phil. 2:13). Another translation of this verse reads, "For it is God who is at work within you." I like to put Philippians 2:13 together with First John 4:4: "Greater is he that is in you; and that means me. God is in me!" What is God doing in me? He is at work in me. What is God working at? Both to will and to do of His own good pleasure. What is His own good pleasure? His pleasure is that I have everything the Word of God says I can have, that I do everything the Word of God says I can do. God is enabling me! God is in me, and my spirit rejoices. My heart is glad that I can turn God loose in me. I can let God have right-of-way in me. I can put God to work even to a greater degree in my life. How can I do this? First, I can do it by believing in my heart that God is in there, and that the Word of God is true. Then, I can...


FRIDAY 1 ST JUNE, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional YE HAVE NEED OF IT MEMORY VERSE: - Heb 10:36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. BIBLE READING: - Gen 25: 1 – 34 MESSAGE One of the fruit of the spirit that must be evident in the life of a redeemed child of God is patience, endurance and willingness to wait without losing your perseverance. Isaac got married to Rebecca at the age of forty years and has to wait for another twenty years before Esau and Jacob came – this is a true patience. If you find yourself in this situation you need to learn from them and this is why it was written for us. While waiting, Isaac prayed for his wife and was entreated of the Lord. Your friends, colleagues and relations will mount pressure on you to do contrary to God’s will so as to bear children, don’t yield to their pressure; it is not strange, it happened to men closer to God even than you are. But because they k...


THURSDAY 31ST MAY, 2018 D.C.L.M DAILY MANNA DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS TEXT: NEHEMIAH 5:1-13 KEY VERSE: “Then said they, We will restore them, and will require nothing of them; so will we do as thou sayest. Then I called the priests, and took an oath of them, that they should do according to this promise” (NEHEMIAH 5:12). Nehemiah, the wise and faithful governor, while busy with rebuilding Jerusalem wall and fighting off attacks of the enemies abroad, was also confronted with complaints of the people. He was bold and active to redress grievances at home and keep the people from destroying one another. In the verses under consideration, the poor brethren complained about the hardship the rich brethren had put them. They had had to mortgage their lands, vineyards and houses to buy food because of the famine. Some borrowed money to pay taxes; gave out their children into bondage as servants and were not in a position to redeem them. The situation was so pathetic that Nehemiah wa...

Need for Inner Change

Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. —2 Corinthians 5:17 The world says that all we need to do is be decent, respectable, and reasonable. True, that is all one needs to do to be a member of the Great Society, but to be a member of the Kingdom of God, there must be an inner change. A Communist in Hyde Park, London, pointed to a tramp and said, “Communism will put a new suit on that man.” A Christian standing nearby said, “Yes, but Christ will put a new man in that suit!” Watch Billy Graham preach a message on change . Prayer for the day Thank You, Lord Jesus, for the change that came deep within me when I received You.

The Principle of Faith

Health Food Devotional The Principle of Faith May 30, 2018 For verily I [Jesus] say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (Mark 11:23) Once I invited a pastor to go with me to a preaching engagement in California. This pastor was fifty-six years old. At the age of thirty-nine, he discovered that he had diabetes. So for seventeen years, he had given himself a shot of insulin every day.  This pastor was a good man and had a wonderful church. But somehow, he had failed to grasp healing. Now I didn't talk to him personally. I think that sometimes people are sitting around waiting for God to initiate something. And sometimes God does initiate something on His own. But people don't have to just sit around and wait on Him.  I wanted to teach this pastor about the authority ...

More Than Conquerors

Faith Food Devotional More Than Conquerors May 30, 2018 "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us" (Rom. 8:37). If God's Word had just told us we were conquerors, it would have been enough, but it tells us that we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Rather than saying, "I'm defeated," rise up and say what the Bible says about you. Say, "I am a conqueror!" It may not seem to you that you are a conqueror, but your confession of it because of what you see in God's Word will create the reality of it in your life. Sooner or later you will become what you confess! You will not be afraid of any circumstances, if you make the right confession. You will not be afraid of any disease, if you make the right confession. You will not be afraid of any conditions, if you make the right confession. You will face life fearlessly, as a conqueror! Confession:  In all things I am more than a conqueror through H...


THURSDAY 31ST MAY, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional TREAD RIGHTLY MEMORY VERSE: -  Ge 17:1 And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. BIBLE READING: - Gen 5:21 - 24  MESSAGE There is a way, a path,  or a track where God walks, it is a blessed , peaceful, and protective path.  Anybody who decides to go this path will be abundantly blessed. Abraham and Lot, Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, Jabez, David, Solomon, Hannah, Elizabeth and Zachariah her husband, Enoch to mention but a few all walked on this path and were abundantly blessed with their names immortalized here and hereafter. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life through which God can be seen, no other way or name through which man can be saved from self, sin, Satan,sickness, and the world,except through the name of Jesus (Acts 4:12). It is the way of righteousness, the way of hol...


DAILY MANNA WEDNESDAY 30TH MAY, 2018 NOT FOR JEWS ONLY TEXT : JONAH 3:1-10 KEY VERSE: "And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not" (JONAH 3:10). Among the enduring lessons God reveals in Prophet Jonah’s dramatic missionary work to Nineveh is the eternally soothing message that God loves all humanity and He is always ready to receive the truly penitent sinner. True, He did set apart the children of Israel whom He loved and made a point of contact to the rest of the world. But in sending Jonah to warn the heathen and wicked people of Nineveh of impending judgment, He proved that the message of love and forgiveness is for all and not for the Jews only. Assyria was always a threat to Israel and Jonah was glad God would now judge the country. His position was however contrary to the stand of God, "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the...

Salvation Is Free

Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. —Romans 3:24 Salvation is free! God puts no price tag on the Gift of gifts—it’s free! Preachers are not salesmen, for they have nothing to sell. They are bearers of Good News—the good tidings that “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3). Money can’t buy it. Man’s righteousness can’t earn it. Social prestige can’t help you acquire it. Morality can’t purchase it. It is, as Isaiah said, “without money and without price.” God is not a bargaining God. You cannot barter with Him. You must do business with Him on His own terms. He holds in His omnipotent hand the priceless, precious, eternal gift of salvation, and He bids you to take it without money and without price. The best things in life are free, are they not? The air we breathe is not sold by the cubic foot. The water which flows crystal clear from the mountain stream is free for the taking. Love is free, faith...


WEDNESDAY 30 TH MAY, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional PEACE WITH GOD MEMORY VERSE: - Ro 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: BIBLE READING: - Rom 5: 1 – 21 MESSAGE Our God is a God of peace that cares for the good and the bad, righteous and wicked, but his goodness towards the wicked, the sinner, rebellious children at variance to the will of God and fools that has no God in their knowledge is to make them repent of their sins and turn to him for their forgiveness and acceptance into His kingdom and royal family. Bible says God judges the righteous, fights for the righteous, preserves the righteous, protects and provides for the righteous but He is angry with the wicked every day. As long as you walk in your own ways according to the dictates of your mind, body and soul, you have gone astray, you have erred and strayed away from God your creator. Who said he had created you for himself, that you may live for ...


DAILY   MANNA TUESDAY  29TH MAY, 2018 STAND IN THE GAP TEXT: JEREMIAH 10:17-25 KEY VERSE: "O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps" (JEREMIAH 10:23). Jeremiah seems to go into a dialogue with a personification of Jerusalem. In the dialogue, the inhabitants of the city were commanded to take up their baggage for they were going on a journey into exile. The expression – "sling out the inhabitants"– indicates that God threw the inhabitants of Jerusalem like stones from a sling into distant lands. The city responded with dismay; mourning her loss and calamity. She complained about her leaders who did not think it wise to gather the flock. In the given Bible passage, Jeremiah talks about the sudden destruction that was coming upon Jerusalem for the consistent iniquities of the people. The calamity was to make "the cities of Judah desolate, and a den of dragons". A serious commotion was heard...

Keep Moving Forward

For in him we live and move and are! —Acts 17:28 (TLB) When I was seven years old, my father bought me my first bicycle. I had never ridden one. Patiently, my family and friends tried to teach me the art of cycling. I soon found out there was one thing I must do if I was to stay on the bicycle—keep moving forward. If I ceased to go forward, I would fall and hurt myself. So it is in the Christian life. We can never live this life on the highest plane unless we are continually growing and moving forward. You should be closer to God today in heart, soul, and body, than at any other time so far in your life. Grow closer to God with this Bible study on prayer. Learn to hear from God more clearly . Prayer for the day Lord, I have progressed far too slowly in my pilgrim walk with You. Might I be drawn closer to the light of Your love and grace.

A Gradual Healing

Health Food Devotional A Gradual Healing May 29, 2018 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (Mark 16:17-18) Several years ago, I received a letter from a woman who had attended one of my meetings in Houston, Texas.  She wrote, "I was healed of lung cancer at your meeting. Now I'm not saying that I was healed instantly; I wasn't. But the manifestation began the moment you laid hands on me. I am a thirty-two-year-old mother of two young daughters, and my condition was very serious. In fact, the doctors expected me to live only a few weeks. I had multiple malignant tumors in my lungs."  She continued, "Now I was skeptical of your tactics. Each night you laid hands on me [evidently, she got in the healing line every night], I felt ...

The Law of Life

Faith Food Devotional The Law of Life May 29, 2018 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2). Dr. John G. Lake went as a missionary to Africa in 1908. The deadly bubonic plague broke out in his area. Hundreds died. He cared for the sick and buried the dead. Finally the British sent a relief ship with medical supplies and a corps of doctors. The doctors sent for Lake to come aboard. They asked him, "What have you been using to protect yourself?" "Sirs," Lake replied, "I believe the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. And as long as I walk in the light of that law of life, no germ will attach itself to me." "You had better use our preventatives." the doctors urged. "No," Lake said, "But I think you would like to experiment with me. Take some of the foam that comes from the victims' lungs after ...


TUESDAY 29 TH MAY, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional JESUS MARVELED MEMORY VERSE: - Mk 6:6 And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching. BIBLE READING: - Mark 6: 1 – 56 MESSAGE Faith is an indispensable fruit of the spirit without which we cannot please God and nothing can as well be received from Him. Contrariwise, his power moves where faith is manifested. Remember God is Omnipresent and his power is present everywhere even where you are now; you can receive your needed miracle right there if you have faith in him. Every where Jesus went during his earthly ministry, he preaches, saves, heals and delivers those that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him, except in his own country and that because of their unbelief. This faithlessness marveled the Lord. If in the church you attend you don’t have faith in the word your pastor preaches, there cannot be miracle and you cannot be established, but believe the prop...


MONDAY 28TH MAY, 2018 D.C.L.M.  DAILY   MANNA PROMOTION COMES FROM GOD TEXT: GENESIS 41:33-49 KEY VERSE : “And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt” (GENESIS 41:41). Joseph’s rise from a slave and prisoner to the position of second-in-command to the king of ancient Egypt represents a monumental testimony to the faithfulness and omnipotence of God. If He appears not to be answering the agonising prayer of the oppressed and uncompromising prayer of the believer, it is obviously not because He is short of solutions. Joseph was persecuted, yet, he kept on honouring God under those circumstances. Eventually, God rewarded his unbending consecration and commitment in a grand style. There is no record that Joseph was disillusioned or that he renounced his faith in God despite all his setbacks. While he experienced these disappointments, he still served God and humanity. His right relationship with God assured him that divine solution w...

Invest Your Talents

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above . . .  —James 1:17 God, in His mercy and goodness, has endowed every man with certain gifts, talents, and capabilities. These are not to be used selfishly for our own profit, but for the glory of God and for the building of His kingdom. Our personalities, our intelligence, and our capabilities are gifts from His own bountiful hand. If we divert their use for our own profit, we become guilty of selfishness. It is good business for an employee or junior partner in the firm to work for the profit and interest and glory of the owner. When the owner profits, all members of the firm profit. So, as stewards of our talents, we should invest them for the glory, praise, and honor of God. If God is glorified, we as His partners will be blessed. Our voices, our service, and our abilities are to be employed, primarily, for the glory of God. God wants you to put your talents to use. >> Find out more . Prayer for the day Ever...


MONDAY 28 TH MAY, 2018 Words of Life Daily Devotional PRAYERFULLY FULFILLING MASTER’S MANDATE MEMORY VERSE: - Ac 6:4 But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. BIBLE READING: - Gen 24: 1 – 67 MESSAGE In our Bible reading of today, Abraham decided to get a wife for Isaac the promised child from God who was obedient child that submitted to the leadership of his father. Children that tarried before coming are seen to be more precious than others because their parents would have sought the face of God enough before their arrival. Samuel was more useful than his brethren when he came, John the Baptist was an instrument in the hand of God and Samson was a battle axe in the hand of God against Philistines – the enemies of God’s chosen people. Are you an expectant mother who is seeking the face of God day and night for your Isaac, Samson, Samuel, John the Baptist etc. be peaceful your special child is on the way, he will come and not tarry ...


SUNDAY 27TH MAY,2018 D.C.L.M. DAILY MANNA LITTLE BUT PRECIOUS TEXT: MATTHEW 18:1-14 KEY VERSE: "Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish" (MATTHEW 18:14). Children are the world’s most valuable resources and its best hope for the future. God places a high premium on them and Jesus emphasised their worth in the courts of God in His earthly ministry. He wants all His followers to accord children the same benevolence. In our passage, Jesus warns us to be mindful of the children not to harm them. We must give up what can deal a blow in the life of children no matter how important the thing may be to us. No doubt, children are like wet cement; whatever falls on them will make an impression. In everything we do to our children, we make deposits in their memory banks. So, the children are like living messages we are sending to a time we will not see. Although God wants us to be mindful of the way we treat ...

A Sacred Institution

Follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. —Romans 14:19 The home is basically a sacred institution. The perfect marriage is the uniting of three persons—a man and a woman and God. This is what makes marriage holy. Faith in Christ is the most important of all principles in the building of a happy marriage and a successful home. The secret strength of a nation is found in the faith that abides in the hearts and homes of the country. See what made Billy and Ruth Graham’s marriage so strong . A strong marriage starts with God at the center . Prayer for the day May we so love one another, through You, Lord Jesus--that our homes will be reflections of the glory of Your inestimable love.

Jesus Is in the Delivering Business

Health Food Devotional Jesus Is in the Delivering Business May 27, 2018 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me [Jesus], because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised. (Luke 4:18) I received a letter from a gentleman who had attended a meeting I held in Phoenix, Arizona, many years ago. This gentleman mentioned that he had been an officer in the United States Army.  At the time of the meeting in Phoenix, he was retired and had just gotten out of the veterans' hospital for the third time. He had been in the hospital trying to be cured of alcoholism. But he came out drinking. He had also admitted himself into three different private hospitals trying to be cured of alcoholism.  He finally got down on his knees and began to pray. He said, "Lord, I knew You when I was young. Take me back. I'm a wayward...