Words of Life Daily Devotional
MEMORY VERSE: - Heb 10:36 For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
BIBLE READING: - Gen 25: 1 – 34
One of the fruit of the spirit that must be evident in the life of a redeemed child of God is patience, endurance and willingness to wait without losing your perseverance.
Isaac got married to Rebecca at the age of forty years and has to wait for another twenty years before Esau and Jacob came – this is a true patience.
If you find yourself in this situation you need to learn from them and this is why it was written for us. While waiting, Isaac prayed for his wife and was entreated of the Lord.
Your friends, colleagues and relations will mount pressure on you to do contrary to God’s will so as to bear children, don’t yield to their pressure; it is not strange, it happened to men closer to God even than you are. But because they knew their God they received their miracle children and the scripture says in Ps 115:12 – 14 that “the Lord hath been mindful of us: he will bless us; he will bless the house of Israel; he will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless them that fear the Lord, both small and great. The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children”.
The will of God for you and I is to pray to God concerning our problems and patiently wait for the answer if we have prayed according to his will.
Lack of patience will make us leave the best of God for the worst of the devil. Every good and perfect gift comes from God in whom there is no variableness and any shadow of turning who gives liberally to all that ask of him.
If you seek to get what you want from any other source without God, it cannot be the best God has for you.
Those that waited patiently for God asking, knocking and seeking in ceaseless prayers always get the best.
Behold Samuel of Hannah – great prophet in Israel; John the Baptist of Elizabeth – a fore runner of our Lord Jesus; Jabez of Judah was honourable than his brethren because he sought for God of Israel in prayers and change the garment of reproach put on his family by the devil.
Why are you anxious? Why do you fret when you can pray, cast your worries upon him and have your rest; and you shall have that which you requested for.
Remember after you might have prayed, you need patience and the answer will come, it will not tarry; God never comes late; he is mindful of you; he will not withhold good things from the upright ones.
Confession of the Day
I know that the trial of my faith worketh patience, hence worry and anxiety be bruised under my feet.
Prayer Points
Circumcise my heart Oh Lord, so that your peace like a river will flow through me steadfastly.
Help me to cultivate the habit of waiting patiently for you in all situations.
Deliver me from worry and anxiety, the enemies of faith. 


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