Words of Life Daily Devotional
VERSE: - Ro 5:1
Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord
Jesus Christ:
READING: - Rom 5: 1 – 21
Our God
is a God of peace that cares for the good and the bad, righteous and wicked,
but his goodness towards the wicked, the sinner, rebellious children at
variance to the will of God and fools that has no God in their knowledge is to
make them repent of their sins and turn to him for their forgiveness and
acceptance into His kingdom and royal family.
says God judges the righteous, fights for the righteous, preserves the
righteous, protects and provides for the righteous but He is angry with the
wicked every day. As long as you walk in your own ways according to the dictates
of your mind, body and soul, you have gone astray, you have erred and strayed
away from God your creator. Who said he had created you for himself, that you
may live for him to show forth his glory.
loves you more than the fallen angels and their followers whom he had reserved
for destruction eternally in hell fire, but He is calling you to repentance
from all sins and faith in our Lord Jesus – the author and finisher of our
If you
believe that Jesus died for you and you accept his lordship over your life you
will be justified, acquitted, declared righteous and be given the right
standing with God. That trust and faith in the atoning work of Christ will make
God to make peace with you and all condemnation of sins within you will melt
away filling you with blessed assurance that you are forgiven leading to joy of
salvation radiating from within you.
Jn 3:18 He that
believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned
already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of
God. 19 And this is the condemnation,
that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light,
because their deeds were evil.
Do you love
Jesus; is he your Lord and your saviour? Then you won’t be condemned, otherwise
you are already condemned and had not make peace with God of heaven and earth.
I challenge
you therefore to simply believe and accept Christ as your Lord and saviour for your
own peace within and peace with God and also for your longetivity
Ac 17:30 And the times
of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to
repent: Repent of
your all your sins, believe and accept the Lordship of Christ over you; you will
be justified and have the peace of God that passes all human understanding springing
forth from within you.
of the Day
I have peace
like a river in my soul through faith in our Lord Jesus.
Lord, I surrender
all unto you, take my all and let them be thine.
Jesus I accept
you as my Lord and saviour, henceforth dwell in me richly
Grant me
peace like a river in my soul.
Help me to
influence the world around me for you and you alone.
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