DAILY MANNA TUESDAY 1ST MAY, 2018 REWARD FOR FAITHFULNESS TEXT: MARK 10:28-38 KEY VERSE: "Then Peter began to say unto him, Lo, we have left all, and have followed thee" (MARK 10:28). Reward is always expected for any labour done. Workers engaged by any organisation are expected to earn wages monthly or weekly as the case may be. The kingdom of God is no exception. In our text, Peter asked the Lord what would be the benefits of those who had forsaken all to follow Him. In response, the Lord said, such people who left all to follow Him will receive a hundred fold here and hereafter. And as their journey to Jerusalem continued, He told them what would happen to Him. It made His disciples sorrowful, wondering how all these things would affect them. In the midst of it all came James and John requesting for a special positions in the coming Kingdom. As we look at the world today and efforts being made in many areas of life, no doubt, many have excelled in science, sp...