Discovering Kingdom Mysteries by Pastor Mrs Abudu, B.O

I will call upon the Lord,,who is worthy to be praised: so, shall I be 
saved from mine enemies" (Psalm18:3
Hear this: - The safest and most secure place to hide your life and destiny 
without any hurt is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Beloved, listen to me, in this life, no matter how wicked and terrible or 
insincere people and the world might be, there is always a sure place of refuge 
and rest for anyone who cares. And that place is the Name of the Lord. In 
Christ Jesus, you find rest to your soul. He says in the Book of Mtt.11:28 
"come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you 
rest" The name of the Lord is a place of complete safety for all who can trust 
and come to Him.
According to our anchor scripture which says "I will call upon the LORD, who 
is worthy to be praised; so, shall I be saved from mine enemies'' (Psalm18:3). When the world is harsh and there are enemies here and there all 
around, pursuing hard, the only safest place to run to is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Psalm 20:1 says "The Lord hears thee in the day of trouble: the name of the 
God of Jacob defends thee". This is very clear evidence that in God your life 
and destiny is safe and secured. The name of the LORD is a defence City to 
those who run into it. The Name of the Lord shall do wonders for you in this 
season in Jesus Name. Many a times I would have fallen into the traps of the wicked but this Name has always been there for me as a Mighty Rock to defend 
me. This God shall defend you. When the enemy thinks that they have 
captured you, The Name of the Lord will show up for you and put them to shame in Jesus Name.
In our passage, we read the account of King David the Psalmist, when he 
was under the pains, pangs and sorrows of death set by Saul (I Sam. 20:1 & 
26:25). The troops of King Saul rushing upon David like a torrent or waves of 
the seas as to overwhelm him, but God turned the flood aside and he 
escaped. God shall turn every flood of the enemies of your life upon them and 
you shall escape in Jesus Name.
Beloved, In Jesus Christ you find rest, the place of escape and refuge. Jesus is 
our sure refuge, Our Strong Tower, in Him there is Safety.
My Counsel; Locate Him today, surrender all to Him; Call upon the LORD 
today. Be desperate; don't give devil any chance to devastate your life. Cry 
out to God, He will hear you and deliver you. Put your trust in God.
Remember: - The safest and Most Secure place to hide your life and destiny 
without any hurt is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I declare you safe and preserved in Jesus Name.
PRAYER: - ·My Father and My God, please deliver me from the hands of those 
who hate me. ·Lord, I put my trust in you; let me not be ashamed in Jesus Name.


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