"That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the Promise" (Heb. 6:12)
Hear this: - Faith and Patience are the secrets of the Champions and the Winners.
Beloved, Good morning and welcome to a new week full of divine
pleasantries. In this day and in this week, God will disappoint your enemies and will surprise you with miracles that will shock your imaginations in Jesus Name. In this season, that enemy called Discouragement shall die never to
surface in your life again.
Our anchor scripture says "That ye be not slothful, but follower of them who through faith and patience inherit the Promises." (Heb. 6:12). If you want to succeed in life; if you want to be great and move forward, you must arise and kill that bastard enemy called Discouragement, embrace faith and patience.
Faith and Patience are the secrets of the Champions and the Winners. I see you winning all rounds.
The word discouragement means, the Loss of Confidence or enthusiasm.
When discouragement sets in, progress is terminated. It is a quiet killer of the brave and the secret assassin of the mighty. Discouragement! You have stolen
the Crown of Champions and dug the grave of stars!! You have retired FIRE-
BRAND Souls of God's Children (heavyweights) and turned them into FIBRE-BRAND Souls (Lightweights)! You have turned many "GEHAZIS" (Potential great battle-axes in God's hand) into GORILLAS (Ugly Vessels of Shame) due to impatience and searching for short-cuts to glory!! Ah! You have whispered to thousand that their glory hour is afar-off, yet it was so near and they gave
up JUST BEFORE THEIR MIRACLE!! But Holy Ghost is against you and by
today's devotional, your power over the users of devotional is hereby
arrested and cut off! In Jesus Name.
Oh, Saint of God; stand in your God and move on in this NARROW ROAD to your Promised Land. Thou Soldier of the Cross; refuse to drop your cross though heavy it may seem! You – citizens of the heavenly Four-Square City; lift up the dropping hands and remember that you are dealing with a formidable but defeated enemy!!
Remember the word of Frank A Clark; "If you find a path with no obstacle, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
Beloved, draw strength from the life of Ruth in our passage today, she refused to be discouraged but through faith and patience became one of the Champions and Legends of the Christian Faith. Look; "Out of Difficulties grow miracles". You are the next to share your miracle testimony. Faith and Patience were the secrets of past Champions, like Ruth who made it and they must be your secrets this year also.
My counsel; Have faith in God. Refuse to become the next victim of the demonic masquerade called "DISCOURAGEMENT". Feed your Faith with God's Word. Pray again! Fast again! Trust God again! Refuse to quit until the victory is won.
Remember: - Faith and Patience are secrets of the Champions and the
Every situation bringing discouragement to you is arrested. I declare a total turn-around for your good in Jesus Name.
I refused to be discouraged; I refuse the portion of Orpah; I refuse to quit; I shall move forward. ·I uproot Discouragement, Impatience and Over-Confidence from my life NOW! ·By faith and Patience, I shall win; I shall not fail in life in Jesus Name.
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