FRIDAY – MARCH 29 BLESSING FROM THE VICTORY AT CALVARY (1) SCRIPTURE READING: REVELATION 1:12-18 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us; for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree." (Gal. 3:13). Hear this: - At Calvary Jesus conquered sin, Satan and death and gave us victory over them. Happy Good Friday to you. May the blessings of this season be made manifest in your life. From today, you shall enjoy victory over sin, over Satan and over death. They shall no longer have dominion over you in Jesus Name. Beloved, we should thank God for the victory at Calvary. The fiercest battle in history is the one fought by our Lord Jesus Christ at Calvary in which He defeated sin, Satan and death and gave us victory over them. That is the essence of Easter celebration. The battleground was set in Genesis 3:1-15 and the seed of the Woman finally crushed the head of the old serpent and declared, "It is finished", as ...