The First Attitude
December 5
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. —HEBREWS 13:8
The First Attitude
Those with this first attitude believe that healing is not for us
today. They believe that healing is a miracle, and that miracles
do not belong to us today. I think this first attitude can easily be
shown to be erroneous by the simple definition of a miracle.
According to the dictionary, a miracle is an act or happening in
the material or physical sphere that apparently departs from
the laws of nature or goes beyond what is concerning these
laws. A miracle is an intervention of God into the realm of
natural laws or human activity. In other words, it’s God coming
on the scene. And whenever God comes into immediate contact
with man, a miracle is performed.
Every answer to prayer, regardless of how small or how big, is
a miracle. Every New Birth is a miracle. In fact, you can ask
God for no greater miracle than the New Birth. Think about it.
In the New Birth, man becomes a new person. He is not just
revamped or worked over. He is born again and becomes a new
man, a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17).
Therefore, an act of healing whereby God comes into
immediate contact with man’s physical body is no more a
miracle than the New Birth in which God comes into contact
with the spirit of man. It takes a miracle to change the nature of
an individual.
So to say that miracles belong only to the apostolic age would
be to say that the New Birth is not for us today and that from
the apostolic age until now, God is only a mere specter in the
world that He created.
It’s easy to see the fallacy of this teaching. If miracles have
passed away, then the New Birth has passed away, and no one
can be saved in this day. We know this is not true.
I know that the New Birth has not passed away, because I am
saved. I am a new creature in Christ Jesus. Therefore, miracles
have not passed away. I receive my miracle—my answer to
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