Unbelief Is an Enemy!

August 7
And he [Jesus] did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.MAT 13:58
Unbelief Is an Enemy!
At a meeting in Broken Bow, Oklahoma, years ago, a man stood in the healing line. I asked him, “What did you come for?”
He said, “I have TB of the spine. My spine is as stiff as a poker; I don’t have any movement.”
This man couldn’t move his back. He could move his neck just a little bit. I laid one hand on his chest and one hand on his
back. I felt that fire jump from hand to hand, so I knew his body was oppressed by a demon.
I said, “I command you, foul spirit, that oppresses this body to come out of him [I meant out of his body.].” The man had been saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and was a member of a Full Gospel church. The demon was not in his spirit. It was in his body. His back was as stiff as a board.
After I said, “Come out of him in the Name of Jesus,” I missed it. Remember, Peter missed it after he stepped out of the boat
onto the water, and unbelief robbed him of God’s best; he started sinking in the water. The nine disciples missed it, and unbelief robbed them of God’s best; they couldn’t cast the devil out of the boy.
I missed it when I said to the man, “See if you can stoop over and touch your toes.” Well, he couldn’t. I mean, he could barely
move his head.
I put my hands on his chest again, felt that fire jump from hand to hand, and said, “Come out of him, you foul spirit, that
oppresses this man’s body. I command you to come out of him in the Name of Jesus.”
Then I missed it again. I said, “See if you can stoop over and touch your toes.” He couldn’t move. His back was as stiff as a
poker. I did the whole thing again for the third time, and he still couldn’t touch his toes. Well, I thought that three times should be enough to minister to a person. I had given him more attention than anyone else.
He walked back to his seat without having been helped. I didn’t realize that I’d allowed unbelief to creep in.
I’m not going to let doubt or unbelief defeat me. Doubt and unbelief are of the devil. Faith and love are of God. I walk in love. And I walk by faith.


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