Prayer Alone Will Not Heal You

August 14
And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.—MATTHEW 9:27
Prayer Alone Will Not Heal You
Jairus’ little daughter had just been raised up from the dead and healed. Two blind men followed Jesus from Jairus’ house,
crying and saying, “Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.”
Even though these two men cried and prayed, they were still in the same boat they were in to begin with. They were still
blind. One account I read said that these two men were still blind after crying and praying because they addressed Jesus as
the Son of David. But Matthew wrote his entire Gospel to prove that Jesus was the Son of David! Jesus was the Son of David; the blind men were addressing Him correctly. And by calling Him the Son of David, they were acknowledging that He was the One who was to come. They were acknowledging that He was the Messiah.
But even though the blind men were correct in calling Him the Son of David—even though they were correct in their
praying—they didn’t get an answer. That proves one thing to us:
Prayer alone will not save you. And prayer alone will not heal you. Mere prayer will not save your spirit or heal your body.
These men followed Jesus from Jairus’ house crying and praying. But their prayers alone brought no reply.
Jesus is the same today as He was over two thousand yearsago when He walked the earth. Since crying and praying alone
didn’t get the two blind men healed, crying and praying alone won’t get me healed today.


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