See Yourself Well

July 15
For they [God’s words] are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.—PROVERBS 4:22
See Yourself Well
In May 1958, I was at a meeting in Fort Worth, Texas, and was  straightening up my book table when I saw two women coming.
I didn’t recognize either one of them, so I kept on with my work.
About that time, a woman threw her arms around me and hugged me.
I pushed away from her, surprised, and she said to me, “You don’t recognize me, do you?”
I didn’t recognize her. When she told me who she was, I threw my arms around her, and we just had a “hallelujah” spell right
there! She was the 82-year-old evangelist I had ministered toseveral months earlier! She who had been bedfast and given up
to die now looked so young and pretty!
She said, “I’m sure glad you didn’t let me die! It would have been the easiest thing in the world for me just to die and go on
to Heaven. But I started thinking after you left. And every time I looked at that huge stomach, I saw it flat. I saw myself winning souls and preaching again. I saw myself well. Within two or three month’s time, I saw my stomach go down. And in the process of time, my stomach flattened out and all the symptoms left me.”
I see myself well. I see myself _________. (Fill in the blank with whatever you see yourself doing.)


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