Act on Your Faith

June 10
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.—JAMES 2:17
Act on Your Faith
Years ago, when my mother-in-law had a goiter, the Lord said to me, “Tell her to go to the altar at your church on Wednesday
night, and I will fill her with the Holy Ghost and complete her healing.”
Now if you stopped to analyze some things, you might talk yourself right out of God’s blessings. Why did she have to go to
the altar at the Full Gospel church on Wednesday night in order to receive? I didn’t know why at the time, but I told her what the Lord told me. On Wednesday night, we had a time of testifying and singing. I ministered a short sermon. My mother-in-law could tell that I was about to finish. She didn’t even wait for me to say anything.
She suddenly stood to her feet and said, “I can’t wait.” She came out from between the pews and just sprawled out on the
altar. By the time her knees hit the floor, she was talking in tongues.
Later I learned why God had her go to the altar. She testified, “I’d always said, ‘I’d like to have the Holy Ghost. I can see that
it’s in the Bible. But there’s one thing I’ll never do. You’ll never catch me in the altar of that Full Gospel church.’”
You see, my mother-in-law was Methodist, but she was in the altar of that Full Gospel church that Wednesday night! And when she got up from the altar, the knot on her neck that was the size of a quarter was gone; it disappeared! Her healing was
You’ll find that very often healing will begin in people’s bodies, but it won’t be completed until something is done—until
people act on their faith.
I act on my faith. I believe God’s Word. I obey the voice of the Spirit of God. I do what He tells me to do.


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