November 15
As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. — 1 PETER 2:2
Under what circumstances can you help others? As long as people are bona fide baby Christians, you can carry them on your faith and get things for them. It’s the easiest thing in the world to get a new Christian healed. And it’s comparatively easy to get Christians healed who have never been taught about divine healing. But God expects a little more from people who have had time and opportunity to know about spiritual matters.
When my wife and I were married in November 1938, she was a Methodist, and she knew nothing about healing. In December, the first real Norther’ blew into Texas and she got a sore throat.
She said, “I’ll have to go have my throat swabbed out. I’ll have a bad throat all winter. I do every year.”
That was a good opportunity to teach her about divine healing. Remembering Mark 11:23, I said, “No, we’ll not have your throat swabbed out. This chronic sore throat will leave you and will never return.”
It left. And all these years have come and gone, and she has never had a sore throat since. But I couldn’t do that for her today, because she has developed her own faith, and God expects her to use it.
I do desire the Word, that I may grow thereby — that my faith may grow thereby — so that I can help others.


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