November 11
Let us hold fast the profession [confession] of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised). — Hebrews10:23
When I’ve needed things in my own life, I’ve always stood on Mark 11:23 and said (or confessed) what I was believing God
for. I’ve always just said it, and not prayed it.(When another person is involved, however, what they believe can affect your prayers; especially if they are not in agreement with you.)
I haven’t prayed about money for years, and I’ve never been without money. I always just say, “The money will come,” and it comes. When I need a certain amount, I am specific in my confession: I specify the amount I need.
Once I needed $1,500 by the first of the month. So I said it.
And I kept saying it. During times of prayer, I didn’t pray it; I just said, “By the first of the month I’ll have $1,500.”
When the first of the month came, I had $1,500! Praise the Lord!
I hold fast to my confession of faith without wavering. For He is faithful who promoises. And I have what I say.
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