November 14
Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for
them of my Father which is in heaven. — MATTHEW 18:19
You won’t be able to get someone healed if you’re believing that they will live, but they’re believing they will die! There’s no
agreement there. When praying for others, it is important to get them to agree.
Usually, when someone comes to me with a prayer request, I say (if I can agree with it), “Let’s join hands now and agree.
Listen while I pray, and agree with my prayer. Because if we both pray at once and we don’t pay attention to each other, you may be praying in one direction and I may be praying in another.”
Once a woman came for prayer for a financial need. I prayed,
“Father, we agree concerning the one hundred dollars this family needs by the first of next month. We agree that by the
first of the month they’ll have this extra one hundred dollars. You said that if two of you agree as touching anything they ask,it shall be done. We agree that it is done, and we thank You for it now, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”
I looked at the woman and asked, “Is it done?”
She started crying, “I hope it is,” she said.
It wasn’t. There was no agreement.
If there are two of us . . . and we’re on earth . . . and we agree as touching anything we ask in line with God’s Word . . . it shall be done for us of our Father in Heaven!


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