March 12
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs . . . .— COLOSSIANS 3:16
Here is the psalm the Holy Spirit gave me on the subject of words.
Words seem so insignificant and small
that men oft times take no note of them at all. But words spoken in faith, create realities . . .
So rise up and speak, like the Creator of the universe, Who, in faith, said, LET THERE BE — and THERE WAS. Words — you speak them all the time, filled with negativism and defeat,
Those words create defeat, and make you
unsuccessful, unhealthy, and unwise.
But Words given by God, inspired by His Spirit, called by men, the Holy Writ,
These words heard with the ear of faith,
And spoken out of a heart filled with faith,
Will create in your life, and your family’s too, Success and victory; health and healing; Circumstances and darkness and troubles too, will run away from you.
Filled with His Word, inspired by His Spirit,
Make your tongue do its duty. See to it that you speak only truth . . .
His Word is truth.
Speak words of faith and love; words that are true,
And no longer will spiritual realities unto you, seem unreal and far away.
But all of the blessings of life;
spiritual, material, physical, and financial too,
Will come to make their abode with you.


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