The Ability to Believe

November 15
Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.—MATTHEW 9:29
The Ability to Believe
The daughter continued to share, “The second clinic’s results didn’t satisfy the husband, either. So he put his wife in an
ambulance and took her to another clinic in another city, even farther away from home. They said the same thing: ‘You might as well take her back home. She has a blood disease in the last stages. She’ll not live many more days.’ So he brought her back home.”
The daughter found out about this woman’s situation and went to visit. She discovered that the woman was saved and
filled with the Holy Ghost. Her pastor had already anointed her with oil and prayed. I don’t know why she hadn’t received. The
daughter began to tell this woman what was going on in our church. Every weekend, people were getting saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Ghost. Miracles were happening constantly. Well, it was almost six o’clock and we had a night service to conduct. We had to get back home. She insisted, “Brother Hagin, ever since I told this woman about you and your church, she’s been saying that she believes if you’ll come and pray for her, she’ll be healed.”
Now the ability to believe was there all the time. I don’t know why she hadn’t believed when her pastor prayed for her. But when this woman had heard what God was doing in our church, she said, “I believe that if Brother Hagin comes and prays for
me, I will be healed.” I couldn’t refuse her.
I receive according to MY faith, not someone else’s faith. I believe God’s Word and act on God’s Word in faith.


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