He Can Walk!
November 17
Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.— JOHN 5:8
He Can Walk!
A pastor friend of mine asked me to come by his Assembly of God church and preach Sunday through Wednesday night. In
that church, there was a man there who was forty-eight years old who had never walked one step in his life. He had been a
member of that church most of his life. Now I knew when I laid hands on him on Monday night that the healing power of God went into him. And I told him it did.
As I went on to others in the healing line, some of the men of the church got him up and tried to get him to walk, but he couldn’t. When they turned him loose, he fell in a heap on the floor. They finally gave up on him, sat him back in his chair, and
left him alone. They carried him home.
The next night they carried him to church. The pastor and I drove to the side of the church to park. We were sitting there
talking about a particular verse of Scripture. Now his church building was very old. It had high steps leading to the entrance.
The pastor said, “Look! Look!” Well, I looked and saw a man running up the steps into the church. But I quietly turned back to the pastor because I wanted to see what he had to say about this particular verse we were discussing.
He said to me, “That didn’t register on you, did it?” I said, “What do you mean?”
He said, “That was Brother _____.” I still didn’t know the man’s name. It didn’t mean a thing in the world to me.
I said, “What do you mean, Brother _____?”
“Oh,” he said, “that’s the man who has never walked. He has been in this church for nearly forty years, and he has never
walked in his life. That was him running up those steps!” Then I got excited.
I know that the healing power of God works. I cooperate with the healing power of God in my own life. And what I couldn’t do before, I can now do!
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