Be Led by the Spirit of God

November 8
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.—ROMANS 8:14
Be Led by the Spirit of God
At a meeting I was conducting in Oklahoma in September 1950, a woman came up to me and said, “Brother Hagin, I’ve never been to one of these kinds of meetings before in my life.
I’ve never been to a Full Gospel church. I’m Methodist. But when I read the advertisement in the newspaper about the
meeting, the Spirit of God witnessed to me that I should come.”
She continued, “I’ve been wondering why the Lord wanted me to come. But tonight, when you were relating how the Lord
appeared to you and so on, the Lord spoke to my heart and said, ‘That’s why I wanted you to come. I want you to take a
handkerchief to your sister.’”
You see, this woman had a sister who had spent several years in a mental institution in Oklahoma. And after four years, the
state authorities contacted her relatives and said, “If one of you can keep your sister in your home, the state will pay you for it.
She does not respond to institutional care. She cannot be helped. It will make room in the institution for someone who will respond to institutional care.”
The youngest sister of the woman who attended my meeting took the mentally handicapped sister into her home. The state put a metal door on her bedroom and iron bars on her bedroom window. The state also put a ten-foot privacy fence around the backyard with barbed wire on top of it. When the weather was nice and sunny, she could go outside and get some exercise.
I am led by the Spirit of God. I follow the inward witness on the inside of me. I know what to do and when to do it.


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