Rights of Sonship
September 2
Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours.—1 CORINTHIANS 3:21
Rights of Sonship
In this passage of Scripture, Paul is writing to the Church at Corinth. But it applies to the whole Body of Christ. How many things does he say are ours? All things! All things that God has provided belong to us.
Do you remember the story of the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15? The elder brother got upset that the father was throwing a party for the younger son. The elder brother was so angry that he wouldn’t even go into the house. Some of the servants evidently told his father about it, so his father went out and entreated him. The elder son said to his father, “I’ve served you faithfully all these years, and you never threw a party for me. You never
killed any fattened calf or had a feast for me. And this, thy son [he didn’t even call him brother], who spent your living in
riotous living, has come home and you’ve killed the fattened calf” (Luke 15:29).
“Well,” the father said, “my son who was lost is found.” But notice what else he said to the elder brother: “Son, all that I have is thine.” All the while that the elder son was complaining, he had a right to everything his father had—including a fattened
calf. Glory to God! If God has it, it belongs to us! All He has is ours.
If God has it, it belongs to me. Health and healing belong to God, so they belong to me also. I thank God for my health and
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