The Presence of God May Not Heal You
August 16
And when Jesus departed thence, two blind men followed him, crying, and saying, Thou Son of David, have mercy on us.—MATTHEW 9:27
The Presence of God May Not Heal You
If you stopped reading this story at verse 27, you could hold up the two blind men as a perfect example of people who prayed but did not receive an answer. And verse 28 says, “And when he [Jesus] was come into the house, the blind men came to him. . . .” Even though the blind men were in the Presence of Jesus, they were still blind. That illustrates this fact: Merely coming into the Presence of God will not save or heal you. Today people seem to think that just going to meetings, or just getting under certain spiritual influence, will bring them their blessings. Well, those are steps in the right direction. But if people just stop there, they haven’t gone far enough. Many even present themselves at the altar for salvation or healing and are still no better; they do not receive from God. When I was a Baptist pastor, people would come to the altar for salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and healing. Some received what they came for; others did not. That disturbed me. None of them should have gone away without salvation or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And not one of them should have gone away without healing. Yet some of these people who left without salvation, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and healing were just as sincere and
honest as some who left with their prayers answered. Why didn’t they receive? Notice that the Lord didn’t say in Mark 11:24, “Therefore, I say unto you, whatsoever things you desire, if you are sincere, you’ll have them.”
Merely coming into the Presence of God will not heal me. Just going to meetings where the Spirit of God is moving will not
heal me. It takes faith to be healed.
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