Don’t Be a Fool!
June 19
Fools because of their transgression, and because of their
iniquities, are afflicted. Their soul abhorreth all manner
of meat; and they draw near unto the gates of death. Then
they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he saveth
them out of their distresses.—PSALM 107:17–19
Don’t Be a Fool!
I remember praying for a sixteen-year-old girl who had a
venereal disease. Now when she came up to the prayer line, I
didn’t know anything about her. I found out later that at the age
of fifteen, she got involved with a gang. Now she was saved and
filled with the Holy Ghost, but she had gotten involved in all
kinds of sin and sexual immorality. At sixteen, the doctors
wanted to take out all her female organs. They were damaged.
Of course, if those organs were removed, she could never
become a mother.
As she stood in the prayer line, the Spirit of God said to me,
“Fools, because of their iniquities, because of their
transgressions, are afflicted. Say to her, ‘Confess, “I’m that
fool,” and you’ll be healed.’”
So I just spoke that out to her. I said, “The Bible says that
fools, because of their iniquities and transgression, are afflicted.
Confess that you are that fool and you’ll be healed.”
I never laid hands on her. She threw her hands up and said,
“I’m that fool,” over and over again. She was instantly healed
and never had to have that operation. In the process of time,
she got married and became a mother.
Even since I’ve been saved, I’ve had to go to God and say,
“I’ve been a fool. I acted foolishly. Forgive me.” And, thank God,
He did. If you’ve never done that, you probably need to start
right now.
Father God, I have acted foolishly. I ask You to forgive me and
cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Thank You.
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