God Sent His Word to Heal You

March 28, 2021
He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions. —PSALM 107:20
God Sent His Word to Heal You
Dr. Yeomans and her sister were both doctors and had a beautiful home in southern California—actually a two-story
mansion—which they turned into a “faith home.”
They would take patients into their home to get them healed by divine power, not by medicine. They could only handle four
patients at a time because Dr. Yeomans traveled and taught most of the time. Her sister, Amy Yeomans, was the one who took care of the patients. What did they do to get people healed? They simply taught
them from the Word of God. It wasn’t the Holy Ghost initiating anything, such as a gift of the Spirit (1 Cor. 12:9–11). The
people were healed by initiating their own healing on the basis of their faith in the Word of God. In Dr. Yeomans’ day, tuberculosis was the number-two killer in
America. As soon as a patient was healed, the next applicant would be notified to come in as a “patient”—if he or she hadn’t
already died, because these people were all terminal cases. One particular woman who had tuberculosis was brought in and carried to an upstairs bedroom. Dr. Yeomans sat down by her bedside and said to her, “Just fold your hands and close your eyes and lie there. Relax and listen.” Then she read to her from the Bible.
God sent His Word to heal me. His Word is life to me and health and healing to all my flesh


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