The Truth Shall Make You Free

January 29, 2021
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.—JOHN 8:32
The Truth Shall Make You Free
Jesus is the truth, and Satan is the oppressor. Sickness comes from Satan—who is the author of it—not God. You see, the more truth you get into you, the more free you’ll be. You’ll know the truth, and the truth will make you free.
It is God’s will that I be well. It is God’s will that I be healed. That’s God’s plan and purpose. For it is written, “Himself took
my infirmities and bare my sicknesses.” What He bore, I need not bear. It is God’s will that I walk in health. It is His will that I
not be oppressed by the devil. Sickness is satanic oppression, for sickness comes from the devil. Satan is the author of
sickness. It is not the will of God that any of His children be under the dominion of Satan. It is not the will of God that I as
His child be under the dominion of Satan—under the dominion of sickness and disease. For Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses. And because He bore them, I’m free! I’m healed! Jesus is the Healer; Satan is the oppressor.


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