For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

                Romans  6:14 

In many places today, all you hear is more teaching on right doing, right doing, and more right doing! But I believe what we need is more teaching on right believing. What we need to do is keep pointing people to Jesus, His grace, His finished work, and His forgiveness. I have no doubt then that their right believing will produce right living. They will become people whose hope is not in the righteousness they can produce, but in the gift of righteousness from Jesus Christ and what Jesus can produce in them.

Let me share with you a testimony I received from Lucas that demonstrates this truth:

"Even though I was raised in a Christian home with parents who are both totally dedicated to Jesus, I fell into drug abuse. I tried attending church, but listening to the sermons made me feel like I just couldn't confess my sins enough, repent enough, or hate my sins enough to get God's forgiveness."

"Then one day a very dear friend gave me a copy of your book, Destined To Reign. The book rocked my spiritual world. I saw that sin was not the issue. The issue was not understanding the grace of my wonderful Lord and Savior. When I saw the finished work of Jesus, I realized that God is not up there with a big stick waiting for me to mess up so that He can beat me with it."

"As I continued reading your book and feeding on the gospel of grace, I was set free from a five-year drug addiction in just five days! And I know it's all through the sweet, sweet grace of Jesus being revealed in my life."

"Thank you, Pastor Prince, for your book, resources, and sermons. I want to know this God of grace more, and I want my family to also know Him as a God of grace and not a God of law who condemns His children. I have never known a loving God as I do right now!"

Can you see how powerful living with a consciousness of Jesus' forgiveness can be? Sin has no dominion over your life when you are under grace. Sin cannot take root in your life when you are established in God's forgiveness. Receiving His forgiveness and gift of righteousness puts you in a cycle of victory over sin, whereas those who receive condemnation for every wrong thought in their mind enter into a never-ending cycle of defeat. Do you see the difference?


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