Healing Is the Dinner Bell

December 21
And they departed, and went through the towns,
preaching the gospel, and healing every where.—LUKE 9:6
Healing Is the Dinner Bell
As a young pastor, just before my twenty-fourth birthday, I
remember hearing Rev. Raymond T. Richey (a man who was
used mightily by God in the area of healing) say, “Divine healing
is the dinner bell.” I knew exactly what he meant when he said
that. At that time people living out in the country had a big bell
on their back porch, and when dinner was ready, someone
would ring the bell to let everyone in the fields know it was time
to eat.
When I heard Rev. Richey say that, I wasn’t having healing
services at my church on a regular basis. But I said to myself,
“I’m going back home, and I’m going to start ringing the dinner
bell.” We had Wednesday night, Saturday night, Sunday
morning, and Sunday night services. I told the congregation,
“Every Saturday night is divine healing night. I’m not going to
preach on anything but divine healing.” So I started ringing the
dinner bell.
Initially, the crowd on Saturday night became smaller, and, as
far as I could ascertain, no one was getting healed. I would
anoint them with oil and lay hands on them. I would have a
healing line every Saturday night. Still, no one was getting
healed. But I kept on ringing the dinner bell! Finally, after six
months, things started happening. People started getting
I didn’t understand it then, but I know now that when I first
began teaching on healing, I was planting seed. I had to keep
watering that seed, and that takes time. I could have become
discouraged and stopped holding healing services. Or I could
have resigned the church and left. But when the harvest came, I
wouldn’t have been there to enjoy it.
I plant the seed of God’s Word in my heart. And I continue to
water that seed. Eventually, I will see a harvest of health and


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