God, Our Righteousness

Faith Food – September 20

By Rhema Team, Sep 20, 2020

God, Our Righteousness

Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe . . . . — ROMANS 3:22

To be a complete overcomer — to walk in the highest kind of faith — you must know the reality of your own righteousness in Christ.

Read Romans 3:21-26. Mark these scriptures in your Bible. Think on them — feed on them — until they become a part of your innerconsciousness.

If your Bible is a King James Version, keep in mind that the same Greek word which is translated in verse 26 as “just” (and other forms thereof) can also be translated “righteous.” So you may substitute the word “righteous” for “just.” Many translations read this way.

For example, Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible translates Romans 3:26 this way, “for the shewing forth of His [God’s] righteousness in the present time, for His being righteous, and declaring him righteous who is of the faith of Jesus.”

What do these scriptures tell us? That God Himself is righteous. And that God has declared us to be righteous because we have believed in Jesus.

Confession: God the Father declared Himself righteous through Jesus Christ. And God the Father — my very own Father — declares me righteous, for I believe in Jesus. Therefore, I am righteous. I am a recipient of the righteousness of God.

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.


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