The Executive Of The Godhead

Health Food – August 9

By Rhema Team, Aug 9, 2020

The Executive Of The Godhead

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. — JOHN 16:7

The Holy Spirit is the only executive of the Godhead on the earth today. In other words, He’s the One who’s here to carry out the orders of God. You have to cooperate with Him in your prayer life, because the Holy Spirit is the One who helps you. And when it comes to healing, the Holy Spirit is the One who executes the healing in your body that Jesus bought and paid for on your behalf.

According to First Peter 2:24, Jesus already purchased your healing: “By whose stripes you were healed.” You’re not going to be healed; you were healed. That means that in the mind of God, you were healed back when the stripes were laid on Jesus’ back. In the mind of God, you’re already healed. In the mind of Jesus, you’re already healed, because He remembers when the stripes were put on Him. In the mind of the Holy Spirit, you’re already healed, because He inspired Peter to write First Peter 2:24.

The Holy Spirit is on the earth to execute, to put into motion, the healing in our body when we believe and claim it—when we accept that Jesus has already purchased it for us and then believe it.

Confession: Jesus already purchased my healing. According to First Peter 2:24, I WAS healed. And the Holy Spirit is working effectively in my body to bring about that healing for me.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin. 


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