Reverence The Bible

Health Food – July 8

By Rhema Team, Jul 8, 2020

Reverence The Bible

Therefore I esteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right; and I hate every false way. — PSALM 119:128

The reverence we have toward the Bible, the Book of life, could mean the difference in our own life between life and death. God spoke to me while I was praying at the altar one time. He said, “After you preach your next meeting, you’ll go into the city of Dallas for a meeting. After you preach that meeting, you’ll come back to a certain place [He named the place] for a meeting. While you’re there, a pastor from hundreds of miles away will call and want you to come. I want you to go there to him.”

I wrote it all down, dated it, and put it in my billfold. I didn’t say a word to my wife or anyone about it. Well, everything came to pass exactly as the Lord had spoken to me. Now the pastor who called me wanted me to come and minister to his wife who had terminal cancer. I did just that, but she didn’t get healed. Now it would seem that since God so miraculously led me there, she would have been healed. But she wasn’t.

She was a Bible teacher and people loved her. She used to be a schoolteacher before she married this preacher. The congregation would rather hear her preach than her husband, because she was such an expert on the Bible. She said to me, “I’ve studied every subject in the Bible except faith and healing. I’ve never studied one thing about those two subjects.”

When I left her, I went down the road weeping because I knew she had failed to receive. I knew she would die at forty-three years of age. I said to the Lord, “You led me in such a miraculous way. I thought she would be miraculously raised up.”

He said, “I sent you there to endeavor to get truth in them [her and her husband], but they didn’t listen. And when they stand before Me, as all Christians must stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, they can’t say they didn’t know, because I’m going to point out to them that I moved on them miraculously to contact you. They didn’t even know you. I just moved on them by My Spirit. And I did My best to help them, but they wouldn’t listen.”

Confession: Father God, I reverence Your Word. I esteem all Your precepts highly. I put them first place in my life.

Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.


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