Don’t Accept What Comes From The Devil
Health Food – January 26
By Rhema Team, Jan 26, 2020
Don’t Accept What Comes From The Devil
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. — JAMES 1:17
Well, naturally, after eating that nice juicy peach, I had peach juice on my hands. After a while, I went home but never thought to wash my hands.
Momma said, “Young man, did you get into Mr. _____’s peaches?”
“No,” I said, “I didn’t. _____ did.” And I called my cousin’s name.
She said, “You go knock on that man’s door and tell him you’ve come to pay for that peach you ate.”
So I got my nickel and cried all the way to Mr. _____’s house, hoping that he wouldn’t be there. I knocked on the door and didn’t hear anything for a while, so I knocked again. I was about to turn around and go home when I heard footsteps coming from the back of the house.
When the man opened the door, I said, “Sir, we picked one of your peaches and ate it. I’m sorry. Here’s a nickel; I want to pay you for it.”
He said, “Son, any time any of you boys want some peaches, you come knock on the door and ask me, and I’ll give you one.” Then I felt worse than ever, because I could have had a peach without all that trouble.
You see, Momma taught me that it’s wrong to have something that belongs to someone else. The same thing is true spiritually. It’s wrong for Christians to take something that belongs to the devil. It’s wrong for Christians to accept something that belongs to him.
Confession: I accept only what comes from God. Every good gift comes from God, including health and healing.
Source: Health Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.
It's not a polite taught to take or accept what comes from the devil because it doesn't last longer unlike from God is for ever IJN