Power Belongs to God

Saturday 21st December, 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Power Belongs to God
Memory verse: - Psalms 62:11 God hath spoken once; twice have I heard this; that power belongeth unto God.
Bible Reading: - Psalms 62: 1 – 12
The infallible word of God says all power belong to God and Jesus the WORD says all power in heaven above, below and beneath are given unto him and that what he was able to do here on earth believers in him will be able to do likewise and more than that will they be able to do because he goeth unto the father.
If you are seeking for real power, I want to tell you that it is not in witchcraft, dark powers, principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places, but in God through Christ.
When Jesus Christ was here on earth physically, evil spirits bowed before him; they leave when he bade them to leave; they obeyed him. In like manner when he handed over the baton to his disciples, the power rested upon them and when Philip the evangelist went to Samaria preaching Christ, many of the people that were demon possessed were delivered; and one even confessed “Jesus I know, and Paul I know….”
Get connected to God today through Christ Jesus and the power of God will be vested upon you; and you will not be using the power that offends God. While looking for power, some get themselves entangled in satanic bondage sacrificing their fellow human being for rituals to keep their power and money. God is angry at such people and if they fail to repent, they shall be severely dealt with by God and Satan their master will not be able to deliver them from the unquenchable fire of hell.
God is faithful and shall perform all that he had promise to do for his people. He had done it before and he will do it again and again. He empowered Peter, James, John and others that were ordinary fishermen to the extend that their shadow heals the sick and set the oppressed free. He did likewise for Elijah and Elisha so much that the dry bone of Elisha raised the dead and Elijah ran before Ahab’s horse without being weary; his power was so mighty in Samson that he killed tens of thousands with a jaw bone of an animal and small David was able to kill the giant Goliath of Gath because the anointing of God was upon him. By the power in his word, the red sea and Jordan river parted for Israelites which their enemies tried and perished in the red sea. Jesus our Lord and saviour walked on the sea and even calmed the stormy sea by the power of God; few bread and fishes were multiplied to feed thousand of people by Christ through the power of God.
His power is unlimited and unstoppable, it cuts across all areas of our need and higher than any other power here on earth or beneath the earth. It can be yours, if you give your life to Jesus Christ – the power of God.
Confession of the Day: - I am of Christ and his power is working effectually in me.

Prayer Points: - Lord Jesus, I need more of your anointing that breaks the yoke in my life. 


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