Let Him Be Your Help

Sunday 22nd December, 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Let Him Be Your Help
Memory verse: - Psalms 63:7 Because thou hast been my help, therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice.
Bible Reading: - Psalms 63:1 – 11
The best help one can get is the one from God and not from man; man is limited and cannot help as desired if he himself had not been helped by God. Our God’s power is unlimited, incompressible, unrestricted and unstoppable. He has power to shut the mouth of ferocious lions; he can reverse the verdict of death and even added years to your number of days here on earth; he has power to discomfit your enemies; he opens the door of flourishing and prosperity and no one born of woman can shut it; he is the master over every situation; he is able to do exceeding abundantly more than you ask or think according to his power that worketh in us.
If you want to know how helpful, timely and protective God is, read about Daniel in the lions den; the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace; Mordecai and Haman; Saul (the first king in Israel) and David (the second King in Israel); Hezekiah at the point of death; children of Israel in Egypt and at the red sea; Peter under Herod’s bondage; Paul and Silas to mention but a few; and you will see how faithful God is in helping his people. King Solomon looked back at the faithfulness of God to his predecessors and commented that “ Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant.” 1Kings 8:56
 We ought to learn from David how he cleaved unto God casting his cares upon Him day and night. In Psalms 63 of today he testified how he calls upon God early in the morning and meditate on Him in the night watches. He had diligent, constant and meaningful fellowship with God day and night; he had day watches as well as night watches; he cast his worries, cares and frets upon God who cares for his own; who never sleeps or slumbers; who speaks and no man reverses; who is able to do all things unhindered.
Cast away all the deaf and dumb gods that cannot deliver you in the day of trouble, and turn to God of heaven and earth – the God of Isaac, Jacob and Abraham; the father of our Lord Jesus Christ; the owner and shepherd of our souls; and begins to enjoy peace of mind and sure protection cum provision for all your needs. Get yourself attached to Christ, our only mediator and the link between man and God and your help in time of need shall be guaranteed. Let him be your help by yielding all to Him. He will not leave thee nor forsake thee even unto his eternal kingdom.
Confession of the Day
The Lord is my help; a very present help in times of need; I will forever lean and rely on Him and Him alone.
Prayer Point for the Day

In you Oh Lord do I put my trust; hear me when I cry unto you; never leave nor forsake me. 


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