Your Secured In and Out.

Words of Life Daily Devotional
Your Secured In and Out.
Memory Verse: - Ps 121:8 The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.
Bible Reading: - Psalm 121: 1 – 8
It is by the mercies of God that we go out and come in everyday safely, unhurt, whole, safe and sound, uninjured and unscathed; considering the dangers out there. For out there (without) are dogs, sorcerers (blood sucking demons) and whoremongers (the lewd, adulterers), and murderers (ritualists, men sellers, men slayers, men eaters, and suicide bombers), idolaters and everyone who loves and deals in falsehood – untruth, error, deception, cheating etc. [Rev22:15]
We are in an evil, wicked, adulterous and perverse world full of insecurity, but God knows how to preserve His own from the wickedness all around us; the Lord shall preserve thee from all evil, he shall preserve thy soul.
He knows how to hold you back if there is danger ahead of you. I read about how God preserved Kenneth Hagin’s father and his family from fatal fire accident one day. He and his family went out to greet another family friend, after their merry making they decided to leave, but all of a sudden he had an urge from within that they needed to tarry for about ten minutes more, hence they went back and tarried for sometimes before leaving. To their utmost surprise, fuel spillage had caused a serious accident in about ten minutes drive from where they are coming from leaving some dead and many seriously burnt and in severe pain; his family would have involved in the accident if not that God held them back.
This kind of protection is possible if God is with you because you are with him. God was with David and Saul with thousands of soldiers could not touch him; he was with Elisha and king of Syria with his host of army could not harm him. Do not think God cannot do these things again; he is still the same God of yester years, mighty and strong, a God that is mighty in battle.
Let this God that answers prayers be your God, let him that neither slumber nor sleep be your refuge – a hiding place in times of trouble, let him whose provision is unlimited be your provider and allow him to bear you on his eagle like wing and your protection and provision will be certain.
I have a very big and mighty God who is always by my side
Prayer Points
Thank you God for your protection every day of my life
Be my guide and protection as I go out day by day
Deliver me from danger and evil out there; stray bullets should not hit me in Jesus name
Protect me from suicide bombers, hired killers, men stealers, men killers, ritualists, men sellers, kidnappers and evil men.


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