Strength of Believers

The Word of Life Daily Devotional
               Strength of Believers
Memory Verse:- Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
Bible Reading: - Php 4: 1 – 23
The strength of believers is in Christ the vine because they are glued or attached to the Christ the vine as branches. Our nourishment and sustenance is from him and as long as we remain in him we can do all things.
In Christ Jesus we have life and our names are written in the book of life; we are new creatures with old nature of sins bruised under our feet; without him we are oppressed of the devil, demons, witches, wizards and powers of darkness, but in him we reign with him in heavenly places far above them having dominion over them in sound health and spiritual prosperity; and having our needs met by him who love us and has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness.
We pray for the sick who believes that God is their healer through Christ and they are made whole and this not by our own strength but by the will of God who worketh in us effectually. Dark powers try their enchantment and divination against us and failed because greater is he that is in us that he that is in the world.
Truly in Christ Jesus we can do all things for with God all things are possible and all things are as well possible to him that believeth. Christ himself said that without me ye can do nothing; outside Christ we are powerless and prone to all the wiles of the devil.
If you are in him you will know [except ye be reprobate] by the life you live in the open and in secret; spirit of God also bearing witness with you that you are a child of God with all assurance and confidence to be able to come to him in prayers to receive grace in the time of need.
You can boldly declare his word anywhere and everywhere to all creatures as he had commanded with great grace of God upon you. In him, the life of holiness becomes very easy and his commandments, statues and injunctions will not be grievous but light yoke to bear.
Examine yourself this morning to know whether you are in Christ or not and amend your ways appropriately before it is too late; now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation so that you can boldly say with all the saints that ‘ I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me’
Confession of the Day
I can do all things through Christ my Lord, master, friend and strength.
Prayer Points

Give me Lord, day by day grace and strength to abide in you steadfastly doing all things the spirit of    God leads me to do. Let me not fall away from you as dry branch, but make me fresh all the time with spiritual nourishment from above in Jesus name.[Amen]


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