God is no Respecter of Persons

Sunday November 24th 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
God is no Respecter of Persons
Memory Verse: - Ex 30:15 The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give an offering unto the Lord, to make an atonement for your souls.
Bible Reading: - Ex 30: 1 – 38
In today’s text, God commanded Moses to charge children of Israel to pay half a shekel to make an atonement for their souls anytime they are counted to avoid plague among them. God is the maker of
the rich and poor, white and black, Jews and gentiles, learned and barbarians, man and woman, young and old. He treats them all alike when it comes to the salvation of their souls which is precious in his sight.  Pr 22:2 The rich and poor meet together: the Lord is the maker of them all.
The soul of the rich and poor are alike precious to God and the same faith in Christ and repentance from all sins must be exercised by both of them before forgiveness can be obtained from God. God is not a respecter of any man; whosoever you are, if you have in God you will please him for it will be counted unto you for righteousness.
If a Jew repents, confesses, and forsakes all his sins coupled with accepting Christ as his personal Lord and saviour, he will as well be saved like gentile that does the same.
Cornelius and his household were gentile by birth and were alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, but the moment he exercised faith in the atoning work of Christ together with his household; God did not only saved them, he poured his spirit upon them just as he did for the disciples of Christ.
God had sent Christ to the whole world and not to the white or Jews alone and that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but shall through him be saved and have everlasting life.
Jn 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
He loved the world and not some segment of the world and gave us his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him will have everlasting life.
In other offerings men are to give according to their ability, but this which was the ransom of their souls, must be alike for all, for the rich has more need of Christ as the poor, and the poor are as welcome to him as the rich. Therefore, there is no salvation without genuine faith in the sacrificial work of Christ on the cross.
Confession of the Day
God of no variableness is my God through faith in Christ Jesus; I am a joint – heir with Christ Jesus.
Prayer Points

God of all flesh, I come to you today, hear me, save me and I shall be saved, heal me and I shall be healed for thou art my praise. 


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