Changing Of Lords

Faith Food – November 24

By Rhema Team, Nov 24, 2019

Changing Of Lords

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace. — ROMANS 6:14

Another translation of today’s text reads, “For sin shall not lord it over you.”

Sin and Satan are synonymous terms. Therefore, we could read this verse, “For Satan shall not have dominion over you,” or “Satan shall not lord it over you.”

The reason why Satan cannot lord it over you is found in Colossians 1:13 — the Father has delivered you out from under Satan’s control and dominion.

The moment you were born again and became a new creature in Christ Jesus, Jesus became your Lord. Now He is the One who dominates you; Satan is no longer your lord. Satan can no longer lord it over you. When you were born again, Satan’s dominion over you ended — and Jesus’ dominion over you began!

And anything that is of Satan — sickness, disease, bad habits, or whatever — can no longer lord it over you!

Confession: Jesus is my Lord. Thank You, Father. Thank You for delivering me from the power of Satan. Thank You because Satan can no longer lord it over me. Thank You because sickness, disease, and bad habits can no longer lord it over me. Thank You because Satan has no dominion over me!

Source: Faith Food Devotions by Kenneth E. Hagin.


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