Sincere Demand
Monday 28th October 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
- Numbers 32:5 Wherefore, said they, if we have found
grace in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession, and
bring us not over Jordan.
Bible Reading:
- Numbers 32: 1 – 42
God whom we have to do is holy, perfect, faithful and indescribable,
man cannot by searching understand him.
Isaiah 40:28 Hast
thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the
Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no
searching of his understanding.
He wants sincere people to serve him; those that speak
the truth from their inward part; he hastes deceitful men who will not live up
to half their lifetime purposed for them by God for their deception will cut
short their lives. So, beware and know that God knows what is in you; if you
are sincere, he knows and if otherwise, he knows. He knows man distinctly and
does not need any man to testify of man to him; he knows you and the intention
within you; he knows why you do that which you do because he is God of
knowledge by whom actions are weighed.
Children of Gad and Reuben who had a very great
multitude of cattle and when they saw that the place where they were now is
good for cattle, they demanded for it sincerely with purpose of heart to
continue fighting the battle of the Lord. When Moses, Eleazar the priest and
the nobles saw their good intention void of selfishness; they allow them to
have that part of land as their possession.
As a child of God who claim to be in Christ, sincerity
ought to be your watchword; selfishness should be avoided; it should not reign
in you. You must join hand with other believers in fighting the battle for
souls to be won into the kingdom of God. if you refuse to attend vigils where
prayers are offered for salvation of souls; and boycott evangelism in seeking
for the lost souls all in the name of business; are you not selfish? Rest not
on your oars until the souls that are troubled without Christ are brought into
the kingdom like Gad and Reuben who claimed this side of Jordan for themselves,
yet ready to fight with others until their enemies are subdued.
They got that which they demanded for because they
were sincere in their demand. When you come to God in demanding for one thing
or the other, have a good purpose of heart for God whom you have come to searches
the reins of man to know the basis of their demand, if your demand is characterized
by selfishness, he knows; nothing is hidden to God who is Omniscience.
Confession of the Day:
- I will come to God boldly in times of need with clean and pure hearts and my demand
will be met like that of Gad and Reuben.
Prayer Points:
- Lord of heaven and earth, purge me this morning and create in me a clean and
pure heart void of offence towards man and God; take away selfishness from me
and give me passion to seek the dying souls still in their sins.
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