God, You and His Deeds

Thursday 29th August 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
God, You and His Deeds
Memory verse: - The princes of the people are gathered together, even the people of the God of Abraham: for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted. (Psalm 47:9)
Bible Reading: - Psalms 47: 1 – 9
The Psalm under review tells us who God is, what he will do and what we must do as his people. The Lord our God is terrible, dreadful when it comes to battle against them that hate his people; he is the King over all the earth. He gave domineering power to man which devil hijack. But the giver of the domineering power is more than he that dominates. At his command devil will be afraid and fade away from his close places; at mention of his name all knees must bow and every tongue confess that he is the Lord.
David said he will subdue the people (the heathen, the haters of the son, the haters of the gospel) under us and the nations under our feet. This he had done before; he is doing and will still do at the millennium reign of Christ here on earth with the saints after wiping away the unbelievers and the rebellious ones.
The excellency of Jacob whom we love will choose our inheritance for us no matter what the devil may do; he might fast close up the Jericho so that no one goes out or comes in; yet our God will go forth with shout; with the sound of trumpet. He will make your enemies to hear invisible sound that will make them flee like Syrian army against Israel; with Him we shall push down our enemies and through his name we shall tread them under that rise up against us. God is the shield of true believers; he is an impenetrable fortress of his people; he does not slumber nor sleep. The power of the Lord and his wisdom is beyond the comprehension of a common man. He is an unconquerable and incompressible God; he is too big for the kingdom of darkness to handle.
Knowing assuredly that we have such a God with us; we must clap our hands and shout unto God with the voice of triumph; we should sing praises to him with understanding, we should live for him and show forth his glory to all and sundry; his praises should be in our mouth for ever more. Praising God when it is easy and without season work wonders; what prayer can do, praises can abundantly do. Praise ye the Lord of host every time in holiness for he sitteth upon the throne of holiness and you will be abundantly blessed.

Confession of the Day
I will sing a joyful song unto my God through whom all my enemies are subdued under my feet.
Prayer Points

God put a garment of praise upon me and inspire me to praise thee in season and out of season. Through you Lord I push down all my enemies and in thy name I have them subdued under my feet. Let not the heathen and unbelieving one rejoice over me in Jesus name.


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