Be a Faithful Steward of God

Friday 30th August 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Be a Faithful Steward of God
Memory verse: - Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. (1Cor 4:2)
Bible Reading: - Numbers 29: 1 – 40
Moses as the steward, agent or overseer in the household of God was faithful to God in delivering every message of God to his people, Israel. And such way of his life was found in the concluding verse of our text today And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD commanded Moses. (verse 40). Notice the word “ALL”, he did not diminish from it or told the people what they love to hear; He declared the whole counsel of God to them, Oh what a reliable minister of God.
Every believer is a steward of God and it is required of thee that you must be found faithful at home and abroad like Daniel in Babylon, Joseph in Egypt and Paul withersoever he went.
As a believer you have your children as heritage of God to care for physically and spiritually, students as a teacher, relatives as the only saved one among them; church of God as a Pastor. The list is endless; you just have to be faithful in discharging your God given responsibilities to every category of human being under your care for that is what God wants. Give them the spiritual and physical nourishment needed by them as at when due.
Do not be a man pleaser, but endeavour to please God alone and that by declaring the whole counsels of God everywhere you find yourself.
Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. (Acts 20:31 – 32)

It pays to faithfully live by the word and also declare it in its totality to them that hear thee; you will be free from the blood of men and be justified by God of heaven who will give to everyman according to as his work shall be. Henceforth, determine to become a faithful minister or steward of God like Jesus Christ who is also faithful to God the father even till the point of death.
You have no excuse to do less in this better covenant of ours; if Moses can be that faithful in the old testament, we can do more in this dispensation of grace.
As you decide to become a trustworthy and faithful steward of God henceforth, I pray God gives you all the needed support to be faithful to the end.
Confession of the Day
I will be faithful to him that had called me till the end, whatever the devil and his cohort may do and the faithful God will not leave or forsake me; I believe he will support me to the end.
Prayer Points

Lord, keep me firm in thee to the very end; help me not to meddle with them that are given to change. Let me not cringe or shy away from my duty post; make me as the mar clay to that which seems right unto thee.


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