Disallowed, But Chosen Stones

Thursday 1st August 2019
The Word of Life Daily Devotional
Disallowed, But Chosen Stones
Memory verse: - 1Peter2:4,5 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
 Bible Reading: - 1Peter 2: 1 – 25
Jesus Christ, the saviour of the whole world is the chief corner stone and the Living stone rejected of men because of their ignorance in godly spiritual matters. Herod did not want him to live because he was referred to as a king of Jews; he tried to disallow his existence and as a result killed many children because of him. He was preserved by God who knows where to hide his own far beyond the reach of the wicked and that because he was a chosen living stone of God and chief corner stone of the spiritual house of God.
As Christ is the Living and Chief corner stone, so the believers in him are lively stones because they have his life in them; Christ the seed of God remaineth in them and they cannot sin. The lively stones are like branches attached to the vine that makes up a tree. Christ is the vine and believers abiding in him are the branches.
As a house of God, Christ is the chief corner stone while believers are lively stones glued and cemented to him to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God.
Therefore, as a believer, you are not chosen by God to be a bench warmer in the church; you are a lively stone who is supposed to offer up spiritual sacrifices unto God through Christ. Christ himself did not call the disciples for fun, he told them follow me and I will make you the fishers of men; and that, as my father had sent me, even so send I you; the work I have done you must do and greater than that shall you do because I go to my father and your father. Be an active member of the body of Christ within the church and without the church; let them see him through you.
Christ the living and chosen stone of God was rejected by worldly men because their work was evil; also, because they were looking for a warrior Messiah who will deliver them from their captivity. If you are persecuted, disallowed and rejected for the truth sake and for the fact that you are a Christian, count it not as a strange thing; but rejoice for so was Christ the living stone; chief corner stone, Bishop and the shepherd of our souls was rejected. But as a chosen living stone of God, he taught, preached and delivered as many that believed in him. Even so you and I as the lively stones in Christ should teach, preach and prayerfully deliver the oppressed from the bondage of the wicked. Get up and offer up spiritual sacrifices unto God henceforth, don’t sit aloof, don’t be indifferent; get the will of the father done promptly and earnestly.
Confession of the Day: - I must do the work of him that sent me while it is day for night cometh when I cannot work.

Prayer Points: - Heavenly father, grant me passion that will propel me to hold forth the word of life; make me zealous unto good work in thy vineyard and out where the sinners are.


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