Commend Yourself to God and His Word
30th July 2019
The Word of Life Daily
Commend Yourself to God and His
verse: - And now, brethren,
I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you
up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.[Acts 20 :32]
Reading: -
Acts 20:1 – 38
God is
Jehovah – Elshaddai who is more than able to keep those that commit themselves
unto him and his word. David said thy word has I kept in heart that I might
not sin against you. If you have the word in you it becomes rhema [spoken
word] that is potent enough to wade off your spiritual enemies like demons and
devil their master. The Bible itself is logos [written word] which will
do you no good if kept under your pillow or on dinning table without having it
in you. This is one of the reasons why devil and his cohorts try as much as
possible to hinder you from reading, meditating, memorizing and internalizing the
word; there is nothing devil fears more than the Bible [logos] becoming rhema [spoken
word] in a believer. Devil and his agents know the word and they do not want
you to know it so that they can keep you in bondage for the scripture says my
people are gone into captivity because they lack knowledge and Jesus said you
shall know the truth and the truth put into use will set you free. The word
of God known as the word of his grace can build you up, strengthen, stablish
and preserve you unto his heavenly kingdom. The word kept Joseph and he said to
the woman how shall do this great wickedness and sin against God. Therefore,
study the word to show yourself approved unto God as a workman that needeth not
be ashamed but rightly dividing the word and devil will tremble before you.
To show
you how potent the rhema is, look back at when Jesus was tempted by the devil;
Jesus overcame him by the use of the word that it is written against the
three temptations devil brought before him; devil had to leave him because as the
word personified – he has the word in him.
If you
surrender your will to God making him increase while you decrease, he will be
able to carry you through. And in doing this you must be in regular and
diligent fellowship with God; there must be father son relationship; you must
develop yourself to the point of hearing him as much as he hears you. Jesus said
I know my sheep and they know me; they hear my voice and follow me and will not
follow strangers. God is able to keep you and his word of grace is able to
build you up unto the measure of Christ: deep, rooted and grounded.
I exhort
you this morning to have the word in you and to wholly rely on God who is able
to keep you to the very end through total submission to his will and his ways.
Confession of the Day
I will
give myself to reading, meditating, memorizing and dissemination of the word by
his grace and I shall surely be kept by his power.
Prayer Points
My father
and my God illuminate me and grant me clear understanding of the word every time
I read the word.
Deliver me
from the devil and evil spirits that will not enable me to read the word.
Write your
word upon the table of my heart and build me up by the word; keep and preserve
me unto the very end through the word and your power in Jesus name.
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