Do Not Ask Amiss

Saturday 1st June, 2019
                     Word of Life Daily Devotional
                            Do Not Ask Amiss
Memory verse: - James  4:3  Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Bible Reading:- IIChro 1:1 - 17

Praying, asking, and communing with God (our heavenly father) is inevitable duty of a serious Christian born out of love of God shed abroad in us at conversion, multiplied and made deeper after sanctification or spiritual circumcision of heart by invisible surgical knife of God himself.
Deuteronomy  30:6 And the LORD thy God will circumcise thine heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, that thou mayest live.
True believers pray in season and out of season, when convenient and otherwise because they know that without Christ, God and Holy Spirit, they can do nothing. The art of praying diligently is the source of godly grace in our lives to keep us moving on towards heaven - the home of rest for the weary saints. Reasons for praying instantly to God is as endless as our needs, however, we must pray rightly (according to God's revealed will) if we are to receive answers to our prayers.
In our text today, Solomon asked rightly, he hit the nail at the tip; he asked for wisdom and understanding to go in and out as the king over the house of Israel - the people of God. Since that request was in accordance to the will of God, he got more than he requested for without an exception.
Cogent lesson here for us is to know what the will of God concerning what we are praying about is and tailored our prayers in that direction. God said " even prayers will be abomination to him if one removes his ears from hearing the law" ( Prov 28:9). One might be praying amiss if he does not have proper understanding of the word of God. You must pray God's word back to him because he said
In Isaiah  43:26  Put me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thou mayest be justified.
Lift up your holy heart and clean hands to God in prayers according to his will and you will not be disappointed because he a prayer answering God. Shalom!
Confession of the Day
I will pray in holiness to the holy God of Jacob  instantly.
Prayer Points
Oh Lord teach me to pray earnestly like the early church; pour also upon me the spirit of supplication in Jesus name.


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