Spirit of Jealousy

Saturday 27th April, 2019
Word of Life Daily Devotional
Spirit of Jealousy
Memory verse: - Heb 13:4 marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Bible Reading: - Numbers 5: 1 – 31
Marriage is holy ordinance or holy intimate relationship between a man and a woman instituted by God for the purpose of purity, partnership, procreation, power [ for two are better than one; one shall chase a thousand and two shall put ten thousand to flight], protection, preservation and so on. The man and the woman are not expected to have carnal knowledge of any other; where this happens it is called adultery; defilement and filthiness; such a person had defiled himself or herself.
If a woman goes into it and it be hidden from the husband, the spirit of jealousy will come upon the man and means of revealing this was clearly defined in the Old Testament by making the woman to drink water of jealousy called bitter water made by the priest before the Lord. The woman will be free and the bitter water will not have any effect upon her if she had not done so, otherwise her belly will swell and her thigh rots- meaning her secret sin will be exposed.
Believers of today are not expected to go into this type of carnality, adultery and fornication; bed should not be defiled; and where this happened peace and means of reconciliation should be sought. The one that commits adultery should also seek the face of God sincerely, repents and makes his restitution and the Lord shall forgive him, but if he conceals the matter he will die in that sin and go to hell. If the man cannot endure the pain and displeasure of what the wife had done, then he is free to leave her according to the word of Christ in Matthew 19:9 “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”
Fornication here used by Christ is whoredom or bed defiling which is one of the works of the flesh for this is done after marriage and not before marriage. Before marriage the man or the woman is free not to enter into that marriage if one party is unfaithful; if he had committed lewdness – fornication.
God has called us to peace; a man should not just leave the promiscuous wife like that he should seek for all means to make peace with the wayward woman prayerfully, but when she becomes adamant in her unfaithfulness and he be not please to live with her he is free to leave her on the ground of this unfaithfulness. But for every other means, it is not allowed no matter how careless, terrible and unfriendly the woman may be; it is for better or worse.
Confession of the Day
I shall stand on this word of God concerning marriage institution of man one woman; and will not go into remarriage unless the other person go into scandalous sin of immorality and decides to live on his or he own.
Prayer Points

Lord, kindly help us to keep our marriages for the enemy of our souls are waging war against Christian homes today; give us victory over them again and again; let them not have dominion over our homes in Jesus name.


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