He Accomplished All

Friday 29th March, 2019
Word of Life Daily Devotional
He Accomplished All
Memory verse: - John 19:28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.
Bible Reading: - John 19: 1 – 42
Jesus Christ our saviour came to this world to fulfill the will of God our heavenly father and not his own will. He was obedient to God throughout his stays here on earth with regular and diligent communion with the father that sent him. He valued his communication linkage with the heaven where he came from so much that he retreats into night prayers to God most of the time after his day ministrations to the lost sheep of God he was sent to.
He was jealously hated by the high priests, Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes [of his days who had made merchandise of God’s people and were nothing but hirelings] because of his truthfulness, plainness and forthrightness; and also because of the anointing he carried; yet he did not allow their cruel hatred to hinder him a bit from fulfilling his mission here on earth.
Let us learn from him and be determined to fulfill our God given ministry here on earth by making all our challenges a stepping stone to soaring higher in our ministerial service to God’s flock that he had purchased by the blood of his dear and beloved son.
Bible says he was obedient even unto death, even the shameful death on the cross of Calvary since it was the will of God for him to drink that cup. Learn to be obedient to him just as he was to the father when he was here; he is our role model; our message; the author and finisher of our faith; our healer; baptizer, sanctifier; the hope of glory and the only mediator between God and man.
While on the tortured and painful cross he endured all things and waited till all that were written in the prophecy came to pass before yielding the ghost; he saw that all things were accomplished to letter that was written in the book of Moses and prophets.
I discovered from this passage of the scripture that everything that was written concerning Christ ministry and death were accomplished to letter; therefore, he that follows him in all sincerity will not die prematurely without fulfilling his ministry; he will fulfill to letter all that God has written concerning him.
That vision God had given you will be accomplished by you just like your master Jesus achieved his own; he did not fail Joseph who remained steadfast in obedience to God; he fulfilled his ministry, you will fulfill yours as well whether the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and devil our archenemy like it or not. God has ever been faithful to his own part of the deal in the covenant and you will see him mighty on your behalf if you keep your own part of the deal in Christ Jesus.
Confession of the Day
I will accomplish all that the Lord had written or purposed for me; nothing will hinder me in Jesus name.
Prayer Points
My Lord and my redeemer uphold me to accomplish all that you have purpose for me to do here on earth just as you accomplished your own; give me power and anointing to achieve success to the end.


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