Perfect Blood of Atonement

Wednesday February 27th, 2019
Word of Life Daily Devotional
Perfect Blood of Atonement
Memory verse: - Lev 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Bible Reading: - Lev 17: 1 – 16
God that made all things under this heaven made us to realise that the life of all flesh is in the blood and that before our sins can be atoned for blood must be shed; and that was why Israel of old were commanded to lay all their sins on an animal and shed its blood to atone for their sins. It is life for life.
You look fresh all the time because of the blood in you and the wicked one in the spiritual realm will not touch your blood in Jesus name; your blood will be bitter to them and they will not be able to drink it in Jesus name. They know that when they tamper with your blood, the flesh cannot stand, the spirit and soul will depart and such a person dies; you will live to fulfill your destiny; the number of your days you shall fulfill and your life will not be cut off by any man in Jesus name, because you are covered with the blood of Jesus. But do not break the hedge of God around you to avoid been bitten by the serpent loitering around looking for whom to devour.
For the sin of our forefathers [Adam and Eve] and your own personal sins to be forgiven and cleansed life [blood] must be shed; and that was what Jesus did on the cross for all human race for without shedding of blood there is no remission. In this dispensation of ours, it is not just blood of any animal as of old, but through the blood of Jesus alone. It is so because he is perfect, sinless and the only Lamb of God made available for our redemption because it is not possible for the blood of bulls and calves to atone for the sin of man.
Heb 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.
No other sacrifice or blood shedding can take away your sins today rather than that of Jesus Christ. If any man asks you to offer this or that sacrifice, or goes to bath in this or that river, he is only deceiving you because God does not recognize any other sacrifice other than that of Jesus Christ. It is sin that opens the door for the enemy to come in and torments you; it is only confession, forsaking and accepting Christ’s atoned work of shedding blood for your cleansing that can appease God for your forgiveness and pardon, not any other sacrifice.
Ac 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
The blood of Christ was shed for our cleansing and purging from all sins and he was raised from the death by the able God for our justification; he is alive, he saves; go to him alone confess, forsake your sins and embrace him and he shall make you whole again, let not false prophets make merchandise of you by asking you to make one sacrifice or the other. Witches and wizards that drink blood spiritually cannot touch you if you come under the atoning blood of Jesus. I urge you to come and hide under the blood of Jesus; it is a perfect cover.
Confession of the Day
I am covered by the blood of Jesus and no wicked one can touch my blood or my life.
Prayer Points: - Lord I accept you afresh this morning as my saviour, Lord, healer and keeper, etc.


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