Pattern Your Life After Christ
29th November, 2018
Words of Life
Daily Devotional
Your Life After Christ
Verse: - Col
2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the
tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
Reading: - Col 2:1 – 23
There are philosophy and vain deceit of the world,
tradition of men and rudiments of the world that are not profitable and not
godly and as a child of God you must abstain from them. You must not be ruled
or guided by tradition of men because man must not live by bread alone but by
every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.
Worldly amusement, rudiments and worldliness in
general is enmity against God and whosoever holds unto them becomes God’s enemy.
Worldly fashion of wearing strange apparels that do not cover ones nakedness is
not of God, but of the world; God says let your moderation be known unto all men
for God is at hand; your dressing must not be too flamboyant and must not be too
simple as to not covering your nakedness, maintain the middle portion of modesty
and shamefacedness.
Christ told the early church [his disciples] follow me,
learn of me, and search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life
and they are the one that testify of me. Therefore, pattern your life after Christ
the way, the truth and the life through whom we can see God for in him alone dwell
the Godhead bodily; and you can only be complete in him reigning over principalities
and power in heavenly places.
Christ though was anointed without measure kept the anointing
by praying regularly, evangelizing constantly and doing good zealously. The work
he did you must do and greater than that you must do because he had gone to the
father and you are now his ambassador. Hence, pray always without fainting, evangelize
meaningfully and diligently and do good to all men.
Devil came and found nothing in Christ Jesus; he was
sinless, blameless, and holy without any spot; so you must also be grounded and
rooted in holiness, godliness and righteousness. Follow peace with all men and holiness
without which no man shall see God.
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and
finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the
cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of
Look unto him in all things and pattern your life after
him for it is him alone that can take you to paradise the resting place of holy
Confession of the Day
I will look unto Jesus alone the way, the truth and the
life and pattern my life after him till I reach my home.
Prayer Points
Abah father, I can only be kept by you from this untoward,
perverse, adulterous, and wicked world; take me by hand and lead me through.
Give me power every hour to stand and follow your steps
to the end.
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