God the Creator by Jesus Christ

Thursday 1st November, 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
God the Creator by Jesus Christ
Memory Verse: - Eph 3:9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:
Bible Reading: - Eph 3: 1 – 21
God is the creator of heaven and earth and all that are therein by Jesus Christ. God spoke the word and brought out things that we can see today out of nothing. He spoke the word only and those things stood fast and in conclusion, he said let us make man in our own image. All visible things and invisible things around us today were made by God through Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ our saviour was actively involved in the creation of all things.
He was with God right from the beginning and nothing was made by God without him. He came into this world by the will of God and not by the will of man and woman coming together; angel Gabriel spoke the word to Mary that “…….The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” [Luke 1:35]
The spoken word became flesh and came into this world to save his own, that is people created by him and are been oppressed by the devil – the thief and the old serpent.
Jesus Christ is more than any prophet because he is God the son and has being with God since the beginning of the world. He came to this world purposefully leaving his glory behind in heaven to save you and I from our sins and enemies so that we might serve God here without fear and in holiness all the days of our life.
He cannot be compared with any prophet here on earth, in fact his fore runner – John the Baptist also a prophet said he has been before me and the latchet of his shoes I cannot undo; he willingly laid down his life to save you and me from our sins which no prophet had ever done; to show that death has no power over him, he rose up on the third day and manifested himself to his disciples and empowered them to carry on the work of reconciliation from where he stopped; the sepulcher of all other prophets are here with us closed, they never rose up, but that of Christ is empty; he rose up and ascended to heaven from whence he came, now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us all.
Therefore, let those people that have been deceived and indoctrinated that Jesus is a mere messenger of God know this that HE IS MORE THAN A PROPHET. He is Lord, God the son, the word that was made flesh which is God. He is incomparable in terms of birth, accomplishments, death, burial, resurrection and ascension and as the coming King. I am happy he saved me and glad to be under his tutelage, he is Lord of lords and King of Kings; he is the hope of the world and the coming King with whom there will be eternal joy in heaven; without whom there will be eternal suffering and wailing in hell fire. Let him be your Lord henceforth.
Confession of the Day: -
Jesus is my Lord and Saviour; I have none other anywhere, he is enough for me.
Prayer Points: -
 Jesus, my Jesus I am glad you died for me; I humbly yield my life to you afresh, rule over me, guide me daily, guard and deliver me from enemies of my soul, help me to serve you here in holiness and righteousness without fear all the days of my life.


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