Faith is not Hope.
30th October, 2018
Words of Life
Daily Devotional
is not Hope.
Verse: - Heb 11:1 Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Reading: - Heb 11: 1 – 40
Faith and hope are not the same and if not properly
understood can hinder one from receiving from God. You please God by faith and
not by hope; hope is a future thing while faith is a thing of the present time:
“now faith is” not later faith is. Faith gives substance to what you hope for –
what you desire; what you want from God.
Let’s assume you need healing from God and you are
confessing I believe the Lord will heal me one day or at his own time or when
it pleases him – that is hope [future thing] and not faith that now is.
Faith calls those things that be not as though they
were. Let’s assume you need something from the Lord and after praying about it;
you have assurance that it is done, that you have got it; you believe it
within you that you have got it – because your demand was according to God’s
will; and that God is not limited by anything; and that he can do all things.
Thereafter, you confess it with your mouth like ‘thank you Jesus for healing
me; for giving me that which I have requested for etc. and you will surely have
You will have it because God is a rewarder of
diligent seekers; when he sees faith that confesses his word; that calls those
things that are not as though they were, his power will be activated to give
you that which you requested for.
Without active faith, you cannot please God and it
so important that Christ would ask folks during his earthly ministry ‘do you
believe I can do this? And if the response is I believe; he will tell them ‘your
faith has made you whole’ and such people receive their miracles instantly or within
that hour.
Mt 9:28 – 30 And when he was come into the
house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I
am able to do this? They said unto him, Yea, Lord. Then touched he their eyes,
saying, According to your faith be it unto you.
And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See
that no man know it.
Christ asked that question because he wanted to know
whether they are in agreement in terms of faith. It is important you find this out
before praying for anybody and if the answer is on the contrary; you teach and see
that this is corrected before prayer is offered.
I prayed with a brother recently about an ailment; but
before prayer, I asked ‘do you believe Christ can heal you if we pray together’
and he answered in affirmation that ‘yes I believe’, and after the prayer while
he was saying thank you Jesus, it is done, I am healed, he fell asleep and woke
up gloriously after I have left the place. And the sickness left him from that time
onward. God honours faith that now is.
Confession of the Day
I have the same spirit of faith as saints of old; I also
believe, therefore have I spoken and it is done.
Prayer Points: - Help me to internalize
your words and act on them accordingly in times of need.
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