The Blood of the Lamb

Sunday 30th September, 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
The Blood of the Lamb
Memory Verse: - Ex 12:13 And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
Bible Reading: - Ex 12: 1 – 51
The deliverance of Israelites from Egyptian’s bondage was a great one wrought by a great God by His mighty hand exactly four hundred and thirty years after their servitude. It was a great deliverance because they were preserved on the night of destruction of the first born of Egyptians by the token of the blood of a spotless lamb on their door posts and the lintel of their houses. The destroyer pass over them and the plague was not upon them because of the blood of the lamb. They were preserved, protected and set free from bondage by reason of the blood of the lamb.
The greatest miracle of salvation, deliverance from sins and satanic bondage is done by the blood of the Lamb of God which is Jesus Christ our Pascal lamb. He is pure, spotless and without blemish; he was sinless, yet crucified to take our place, he shed the blood to set us free from satanic bondage and this is made possible by faith in his sacrificial work on the cross for us.
Israelites believed the word of God through Moses, took the lamb, killed it and put the blood on the lintel and their door posts as commanded by the Lord; they as well remained indoor throughout the night of the destruction.
In like manner, you must believe that Jesus Christ died for you and by faith come under his blood that was shed for you for your redemption, deliverance and preservation. If you trust and obey all blessings attached to his sacrificial work shall be your portion.
I grew up in an Orthodox Church environment where I was serving God with all sincerity and to the best of my knowledge; but there were also serious activities of the dark powers in the church and at home. Then out of concern for safety, one of my relations took me to a witch doctor to divine for me what I must do to be preserved. The witch doctor was surprised to see me covered by the blood and by his own interpretation said there is danger, this man is covered by the blood and that I must beware of accident and what have you.
It was later when I gave my life to Christ that I realized that the blood covering me was the blood of Jesus because while I was yet without strength, Christ died for me and I was in that church then serving God with all sincerity of heart and in all faithfulness till God who is rich in mercy saved me. It was nothing but the mercy of God that preserved me from principalities and powers of the land. Come under the blood today and you will be preserved from plagues of destruction here and here after.
Confession of the Day
I will abide under the blood of the lamb for my protection, blessings and preservation.
Prayer Points
Lord, I give myself to you anew, cleanse me from all my sins and cover me by the blood you shed for me.


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