A Chaste Virgin Espoused to Christ

Saturday 29th September, 2018
Words of Life Daily Devotional
A Chaste Virgin Espoused to Christ
Memory Verse: - 2Co 11:2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
Bible Reading: - 2 Co 11:1 – 33
A true believer in Christ must have experienced the greatest miracle of redemption that is in Christ Jesus; otherwise such believer is not of Christ. At salvation, miracle of regeneration occurs in the spirit, and the inner man, the real you is reborn, recreated by God, changed from spiritual darkness to the marvelous light of Christ so much that things you use to do before that are ungodly, you do them no more. No more fornication, adultery, deception, drunkenness, revellings, stealing, falsification of accounts and documents, etc.
At the point of true conversion, a spiritual garment or robe of righteousness is put upon us by our bridegroom Jesus Christ and we become his bride: we are espoused to Christ as a chaste, morally and spiritually pure virgin; washed and made ready for the marriage super of the lamb.
While we await the return of the bridegroom, we must constantly watch against deceitful workers, false teachers, and false preachers transforming themselves into the apostles of light like Satan their master that beguiled, deluded or deceived Eve through his subtilty; so that our minds should not be corrupted from simplicity that is in Christ.
Remember Christ is coming for a church [bride] that is without blemish, spot or wrinkle; a glorious church; holy, pure and chaste and that Satan goes about with oil to soil the holy garment of righteousness you are putting on, therefore be sober, be watchful and be prayerful so that you do not fall into temptation and deception of deceitful workers.
And if you have not experienced the miracle of salvation in Christ Jesus, you still have the grace of this moment to confess your sins to God forsake them and accept Christ as your personal Lord and saviour. The miracle happens immediately you call on Christ and yield your life to him, you will be awakened, quickened and empowered to say no to the tempter and to live holily every day. Tarry no more Christ is there with you, call on him now and be saved.
Confession of the Day
I am a chaste virgin and bride of our Lord Jesus Christ regenerated by his finished work on the cross of Calvary.
Prayer Points
Jesus, the saviour of the whole world, the hope of glory,
Accept me now; cleanse me now;
Quicken me now and enlist me among the children of the heavenly king;
Prepared me for the marriage super of the lamb and
Help me to reign as king for you here on earth and in the world to come [Amen]


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